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Conference Management

As a professional conference organizer, we will save your valuable time. With our professional expertise we will make the conference management process smoother and more effective using our experiences, knowledge and supplier contacts. Through innovative solutions we will improve the options offered for gaining knowledge and positive experiences for the delegates, speakers, as well as for the organizers themselves

Destination marketing

Destination research, writing bids in close collaboration with the client.

Concept solution/ image

Solution based on the conference topic, innovative solutions for involving the delegates and increasing the conference’s influence. Creating the images for the event and using it for all the event details.

Sponsorship, support

Creating sponsorship packages, communicating with sponsors, organizing the exhibition. Writing funding applications in collaboration with the client.

Financial management

Collecting participation and sponsorship fees, monitoring costs and profits, invoicing suppliers and partners, insurance, regular reports.

Marketing / Informing

Social media, website, conference app. Target group database, invitations, collecting feedback, sending out confirmations, reminders, RSVP service. Conference materials and handouts.

Event location / venue

Finding the most suitable event location and venue, managing logistics, rooms’ design, inventory, catering, interpretation and security services.


Reservations, negotiating cancellation terms, booking form.


Transportation of delegates and speakers, VIP service, transportation plan.

Delegates / speakers

Registration form, sending confirmations and invoices, communication with the delegates, information number. Registering speakers, organizing their travel, accommodation and reception, coordinating technical requirements, reimbursement. 

Abstract handling

Registration form, abstract registrations, sending confirmation letters, assisting abstract evaluation committee.

Social program

Organizing receptions and dinners, including finding the best venue, creating a cultural program, organizing catering and room design. Pre- and post-conference program, visits, excursions, accompanying person’s program.

Project management

Participating in the work of the organizing team, creating and updating the budget, creating and updating the action plan, coordinating all the services, logistic timetable, planning the scenario, reporting (finance, participants), meetings, writing meeting minutes, event documentation. 

Conference secretariat

Conference secretariat before and during the event, volunteers, hosts.

Organizing during the conference

Welcome desk, registration and information desk, onsite secretariat, volunteers. Coordinating the set-up, communicating with suppliers, assisting the organizer.

Sihtkoha turundus
Idee lahendus
Sponsorlus, toetused
Finantside haldamine
Turundus, teavitus
Osalejad, esinejad
Abstraktide käsitlemine
Konverentsi aegne korraldus
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